Saturday, April 17, 2010

HI’s Café Opens!

Holy Innocents’ High School presents its new ‘café’ to everyone in April.

Ironically, this unique ‘café’ serves arts instead of coffee and tea.

Presenting ‘Creative Arts For Everyone’, Café @HIHS strives to promote a unique culture of arts and music among everyone, including students and teachers.

To enhance learning of creative arts in the school, the aesthetics department planned some special programmes to expose everyone to different forms of art.

For example, interesting art pieces and information regarding art have been put up all around the school, even in the toilets, to make a better environment for enhancing creative learning about art.

A visual art exhibition, ‘Entrée’, was conducted in the “space”, featuring beautiful artworks by teachers and students.

“The paintings hung on the various walls were very captivating and wonderful,” Jasmine Phua, a sophomore commented.

She also added that she would like to see more of these programmes and exhibitions conducted.

You can easily feel the culture of art in the atmosphere that filled the entire Holy Innocents’ High.

With exciting and attractive performances by the drama, choir and Chinese orchestra displaying their talents in the canteen during the recess period for everyone to join in the fun!

Besides all these performances, students also had opportunities to learn to create their own art pieces through various workshops organized by the teachers and professional art experts. Examples of these are the Food-Art workshop and the batik painting workshop conducted by famous masters to impart their fantastic skills to the students, even including a world-known caricature artist.

The largest and grandest event of April, in Café @HIHS, the school will be “serving” the public with its very own performing arts groups, presenting a major concert ever.

Performing to a full house, tickets were all sold out weeks before the big day when the concert is held on 16 April, Friday.

“I believe that it’s going to be an enjoyable and memorable evening for all, and we certainly will do our best then!” band performer, Charmine Foo exclaimed enthusiastically.

Looking forward to the upcoming concert, performers are now busy practicing and preparing for the lively day.

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